I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called… - Ephesians 4:1
With great joy and humility, on Sunday, October 10, 2021, the elders of Bridges ordained Jacob Harden for the work of ministry in the body of Christ, the church. Ordination is the recognition of God’s calling in someone’s life, a life already dedicated to service to Christ and sacrifice for His kingdom and is accomplished through prayer and the laying on of hands in recognition of the work of the Holy Spirit.
Jacob grew up at Bridges and from the very beginning demonstrated a servant’s heart, serving in the Children’s Ministry, helping to set up the tech each Sunday in the Carmike Theater where Bridges started in 2007. Throughout the years, God has worked in and through Jacob, maturing and equipping him, and giving him a heart to work with families, students, and children, first as an intern, then as a resident and lately as Director of Family Ministries. Now, his title will be Family Ministries Pastor.
All the while, Jacob has also worked behind the scenes using his administrative gifts to help the church be organized and function in a healthy way. He is quick to respond to any request and meet any need in serving the church.
He is a person of integrity and high character, someone to be trusted but also humble enough to know that he, like all the rest of us, is a sinner saved by grace. He has a heart for others and wants the best for all, demonstrating the love of Christ. He lives out his life in a manner worthy of his calling.
Jacob has been blessed with a wonderful family, wife Jill, daughter Lilly and son Jonah. They are also a great joy and gift to Bridges.
It is for these reasons and others, that the elders ordained Jacob and look with anticipation for what God will do in Jacob’s life, family, and ministry in the future. Please be in prayer for Jacob as he continues to walk by faith in answer to the call of Jesus.