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No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. – Jesus, Matthew 6:24

If you cannot be trusted with worldly riches, you will not be trusted with the true riches. – Jesus, Luke 16:11

I had been looking for a long time …

Several years ago, we used a financial study at church that was very good on the nuts-and-bolts end but short on the Biblical end. 

Before that, we used one that was very good on the Biblical end and not as good on the nuts-and-bolts end. Then they changed it; and it wasn’t the same. 

So, we haven’t used anything for a while. 

Then a couple of weeks ago, in preparation for this Sunday’s message – “What Do I Do When I Am in Debt?” – I found something new – new to me that is. 

And I really appreciated it – learned from it – was inspired through it – applied it and got excited about it. 

It combined the Biblical with the nuts and bolts of dealing with money in a way that really impacted me, especially the Biblical way of looking at money and how God works and wants to work in all our lives. Money is not an end in of itself; it is simply a tool. And their take is that they want people to be freed up to do whatever God puts on their heart. That is a good goal. I believe God wants that too. 

Stacey and I were already thinking that way and so it has come into our lives at just the right time. 

Maybe you’re like us. You’re looking for… a change… a new way… a fresh start… some good advice… God’s help to get out of debt… get ready to retire… find some real joy… find the freedom you long for. 

This Sunday, you will hear several of the ideas that came out of it, and after Easter we plan to start a 6-week Bible study using their material, open to anyone at Bridges who wants to take it. 

I am praying for real change in all our lives together. 

The power is not in a book or a curriculum; it is found in the Holy Spirit and in the work of the Father in our lives. Sometimes though, you just need someone to help you discover all that God has for you. 

So, I hope you will come Sunday to find out more. I hope you decide to join the Small Group. I hope you decide to check this out. Above all, I hope you find real joy and freedom in following God’s plan for your life. 

The book – Simple Money, Rich Life by Bob & Linda Lotich – you can get a free copy from their website – just have to pay $4.95 shipping. 

Or… The book is only $4.99 on Kindle. 

Check out their website: Seedtime:

Get a free 31 Day Devotional – Here’s the Link: Simple Money 31 Day Devotional 

Listen to the podcast: The seedtime MONEY PODCAST

Be looking for the class after Easter. 

Step out on a journey with God and find the freedom to do whatever He calls you to do. 

If a person gets his attitude toward money straight,  it will help straighten out almost every other area in his life. Billy Graham