Sunday, March 30 is going to be a fun and exciting day, something I have been looking forward to for several months. It is that day that we will be having 1 service for everyone at 10am followed by a meal together. It will be good to have everyone all together, children and adults, worshipping together as 1 family.
The Bible tells us we are together Christ’s body, and every one of us is a part of it. Sometimes, it is easy to forget that we have two services and that there are other people who call Bridges, “family” that we don’t even know. This will be a great opportunity to see and meet others who also are part of the family.
It will be good to worship together and fill the room with the sound of everyone praising God.
It will be good to have all the kids with us and for them to experience worship with us.
It will be good to share a meal together as the first church did in Acts 2.
It will be good to smile together. It will be good to greet each other. It will be good to start new relationships and encourage one another. It will be good to be “one” in Christ.
I hope that you will plan to be there.
It will be a different time – 10AM.
It will be a different but fun day.
It will be a day to share food together. (You can sign up for what to bring below.)
Looking forward to the stories we will tell in the future about the day and how Jesus brought us all together.