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Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. - Isaiah 41:10 

This week I read a story from Charles Stanley describing what I would consider a panic attack while flying one day. He had flown hundreds of times before, but this time all he could think about was getting off the plane. It was irrational but no less real to him. 

In desperation, he pushed the button calling for an attendant and explained to her what he was experiencing. They put out a call for a doctor, and soon a doctor came forward to sit with him. She began by asking him questions about what he was experiencing. He told her that he had this overwhelming desire to get off the plane. After explaining to him that of course this was impossible at the moment (as they were thousands of feet in the air) she began to ask him questions to discover the source of this fear.

It was not a fear of flying. He had flown hundreds of times before. There was something else; a fear behind the fear. He was facing overwhelming obstacles in life, things beyond his control, things that were causing him major anxiety and stress. Things he had taught others how to overcome but was finding that they were beyond his ability to solve in his own life. He was overwhelmed by fear. 

After opening up about what he was facing, he soon found that the fears were subsiding, at least enough for him to settle down and be okay for the rest of the flight. 

But he had learned something from this experience. Fears can be crippling and must be addressed and not suppressed. 

It’s the fears behind the fears that are the worst. 

It may be a fear of the loss of control. The fear of loss itself. The fear of failure. The fear of abandonment. The fear of being exposed. The fear of death. 

Fear is not rational, but it is real… and must be dealt with. 

He learned anew what it means to really trust God (Proverbs 3:5,6), how to really cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7), and how to turn to God and seek His strength. (Isaiah 41:10) 

We all deal with fear and anxiety at some point. The question is what do we do with them? Do we take them to God and put our eyes on Jesus or let the fears overwhelm us. There are times we just need a reminder that He is still there for us and will see us through. 

The Bible presents a very straightforward way of dealing with fears – 

I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.

- Psalm 34:4 

If you find yourself today in a place of fear, make some decisions - seek the Lord and turn them over to Him. Identify all the fears behind the fears and let Him bring healing. Worship Him in the storm and put your hope in Him. 

Share your fears with someone you love and trust. Get them all out. Expose your fear to the light of Jesus – light drives away fear just as much as it drives away darkness. Lean on Him.  

Learn to worship your way through fear - below is a great song to listen to in the midst of fear. It reminds us of who God is and what He can do. 

May God lead you out of the valley of fear and darkness today. 

Faithful Still: Kingsporch