learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause.
- Isaiah 1:17
God calls his people to do good in the world, to seek justice, correct oppression, bring justice to the orphan and take care of widows - in short, we are to love and serve those who our world who need help. In this way, the kingdom of God becomes tangible and real as we live as Jesus lived. By serving the "least of these", we are serving Jesus Himself. God wants to partner with us to share His love for all peoples.
This Sunday, April 25 is Compassion Sunday! Our new friend, Sandeep who grew up in India and now serves with Compassion here in the States will be sharing his story - and it's an amazing story of God's faithfulness and love. I am excited to be part of what God is doing in our world through Compassion International.
Join us onsite or online @ 9am or 11am this Sunday, as we worship together and work toward bringing good to the world, and justice to those who need it.