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I had never cried in church before. At least not that I could remember. 

Well son-of-a-gun there I was, a steady stream running down my cheek. Under any other circumstance, I might have welcomed them – a momentary relief from the cravings (first days of sobriety withdrawal are no joke). Under any other circumstance, I might have been embarrassed too. This was church, after all. People were there. You don’t make a scene in a small town Methodist Church in front of other people. You keep that sort of stuff to yourself. Or so I imagined. 

But this was not just any other circumstance. One week prior, JESUS SAVED ME. Yep, the Lord of all creation reached down and saved a drug addict liar like me to an eternal relationship with Him. I knew my life was changed – somehow. I knew there was new purpose and direction – in some way. But I could not yet see Jesus in my tomorrows, in my fears, or in my eventual death. 

I stand on cue just like everyone else. We sit in the back row (obviously). The church had recently added pew cushions. They were nice. Way better than sitting on the bare wood of my entire childhood. My mom stood next to me. A Hymnal was in my hands, turned to the page number listed on the little wooden boards on either side of the front wall of the sanctuary. We only sang stanzas #1 and #3. I never knew why. It didn’t really matter – because I was determined to pay attention this time. 

Then everything else in the room slowly disappeared (not physically – but emotionally, spiritually). My focus sharpened. Distractions faded away until the only things that existed in the entire universe were Jesus, me, and the lyrics to the song that was being sung. In waves, they came…

God sent His Son… Jesus…

He lived and died… to buy my pardon…

Because He lives… 

I can face tomorrow... 

An empty grave…

One day… I’ll see the lights of glory…

All fear is gone…

Life is worth the living…


I cried. A lot.

I tried to sing. Didn’t get many words out. I was OVERWHELMED with the reality of who God is, who Jesus is, what Jesus did on my behalf, and what I undeservingly can now enjoy forevermore. Because Jesus Christ lives… I, Brandon Peak, can face tomorrow. 

Because Jesus lives… I can…


The biblical root for that classic Hymn is in John chapter 14, verse 19. This passage comes during the last supper – some of Jesus’ final words to His disciples. He’s laying out a promise that He (Jesus) and the Father (God) will send another helper (the Holy Spirit) after Jesus is gone. Jesus talks a lot about His impending death. He also talks a lot about still living after His death (spoiler alert – Jesus didn’t stay dead after the cross – He arose! Praise God!) In verse 19, Jesus says, “Because I live (which is present/ongoing/future)… you also will live (present/ongoing/future.)” That’s why we can face tomorrow! That’s why fear can be wiped away! That’s why we can know our future and eternal place! It’s not because of what we have done, or what good decision we made, or what book we read, or what church we affiliate with. The reason that life is worth the living, isn’t just our hope or our faith. The reason that life is worth living is that Jesus is, still, right now, and eternally, ALIVE


First things first. I want to thank Christian for his leadership in the worship team. I’m not sure how the song selection took place this past week, but he included a rendition of “Because He Lives” (aka “God Sent His Son, They Called Him Jesus” in some of my older Hymnals on the shelf). As we sang that song together just 5 days ago, my heart and mind were transported back 22 years to the first time I cried in church. I’ve sung that song with hundreds of voices backed by pipe organ in a huge brownstone Presbyterian sanctuary, surrounded by stained glass. I’ve sung that song in a tiny little country church with a membership roster no bigger than a small group signup sheet. And every time – no matter what – it overwhelms. The words of that tune carry just as much significance in my life now as they did in 2003. It blesses me. And I hope that it blesses all of you reading this as well. So, Christian, thank you. 

Second things second. If there are songs that move you, or if you have a story of your faith walk that has been influenced by worship music or old hymns, I’d love to hear about them. Christian would love to hear about them too! Music moves people. We’d love to hear how psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs have impacted your journey as you found (or continue to follow) Jesus. Please reach out. We’re always all ears for a good story. :)

Third things third. We are rapidly approaching the highlight of the Christian calendar. EASTER! Very soon, we will be celebrating that Jesus arose from the grave and conquered death. Whether you enter into this season with meditation, observance of Lent, fasting, or dedicated prayer, our hope is that it is meaningful, restful, intentional, and fruitful, as you seek to grow more and more into the image of Jesus Christ. 

I love y’all – and pray for God’s presence in your life. If you’re struggling with hope for your tomorrows, or with fear, or with eternity, maybe jot down this reminder and complete the sentence as a daily prayer. Think through all the things that are possible because of what Jesus has done:

Because Jesus lives… I can _____________________________.

If you need help on that journey, please reach out. You can contact us at or stop by to see me (Brandon), or Patrick, or Christian or Jacob, or any of the Elders: Rodney, Tom, or Bob. We’d love to connect you with folks who can partner with you through whatever season you’re in. Grace and Peace!