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And this same God who takes care of me

will supply all your needs from his glorious riches,

which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:19

The thing about faith is that it is hardly ever static. Our faith in God in every area of our life is always being challenged; it is the only way for it to grow. Just when we think we think we have arrived, there awaits another challenge that will push us and cause us to dig down deep to see what we really believe about God and who He is and what He can do. It happens to all of us, and we really never get to choose when it does happen – only how we will respond when the time comes.

January and February have been difficult months for many of us with sicknesses and other issues. It’s not been an easy start to the new year for some. It’s not been easy for us as a church; there have been some real challenges so far.

Including the following…

Over the last few weeks, we have experienced a drop-off in giving, especially in the week where we had to cancel our Sunday services in January. We were able to use our savings to help cover the shortfalls, but we have not been able to rebuild our reserves from 2024, and this is now carrying into 2025. With the current situation, we foresee additional potential shortfalls ahead unless we are able to catch back up. We have always trusted God to provide for all our needs, and we will continue to do so. He has never let us down.

He is working now in a very unusual way.

A family in our church has given an extraordinary opportunity and challenge to us. God has provided for them, and they feel led to present the following…

… a matching gift offer of $10,000, that is for every dollar that comes in above and beyond our regular giving, between now and March 31, 2025, they will match that dollar with an additional dollar, up to $10,000. If we were to bring in $10,000 – this faith challenge would double the church’s giving for that time period to $20,000! 

That takes a lot of faith and is born out of one of our core values – maximum generosity.

We are projected to end our fiscal year at the end of March approximately $16,000 short of budget, and this would more than make up for that.  

We are calling this "Faith Challenge Giving." 

It is a call to live by faith – to trust God to provide and a call to being generous – just as He is to us.

You can give to this special offering through the link below, or through our app or website and on Sunday mornings by indicating that the offering is for the "Faith Challenge”. When giving online, select the Faith Challenge fund in the drop down menu. If writing a check, please note Faith Challenge on the memo line. If giving cash, please write Faith Challenge on the giving envelope.


Look for updates throughout the month of March and please contact us with any questions you might have.  Let us be in prayer as we seek what God wants each one of us to do in this special offering.

Over the years, we have faced many challenges, some of which seemed impossible, and all of which have required a lot of faith, but yet God has always been faithful to provide.

None of us in leadership saw this opportunity coming. It was easy to see the challenge in the shortfall; impossible to see how God might work except by faith that He would work. Now we step out in faith, not knowing what will happen, only that He has a plan and is always faithful to provide.

Each time we have been reminded...  

“What is impossible with man is possible with God.” - Jesus, in Luke 18:27