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The elders are excited to announce the selection of Carson Brown as our candidate for the next Worship Leader at Bridges. We ask you to be in prayer with us through this process as we continue to seek God's will in confirming Carson's call to this position.  

Carson has been in the worship band at Bridges over the last two years and has been apprenticed to lead worship over his time here, demonstrating gifts and talents in multiple facets of leading worship and creating a worship experience for the church. In his time here, he has displayed a real heart for Christ and a love for leading others in worship.   

Luke Alderman, our current Worship Leader has fully endorsed Carson and has been actively working with him in equipping him further in this role. Luke will be leading worship through October 3 before stepping back to take time to attend the Police Academy in his journey to become a police officer.   

The elders are putting Carson' candidacy before you, the church, seeking your input, thoughts, and questions. Please contact the elders through email - by September 15 if you do want to speak into this process.   

It is our hope to have everything in place by October 1.   

Thank you for your prayers.