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In 2010, I was able to travel to Ecuador with Compassion International and get a first-hand experience seeing how God was working through Compassion to change the lives of children and their families there. On a bus ride between site visits, I had what I consider a “God-moment” question – “why can’t we do something like that right where we live?”

13 years later, Spring 2023, we opened the Inspiring Hope Learning Center with just a handful of kids, 2 days a week. This year, the center is running 5 days a week with over 20 students in the program.

Each day, they learn a Bible verse, eat snacks, do homework and receive tutoring, have a Bible lesson, play games, and have fun. Some weeks they go to a park, a local business and learn from the owner, or some other interesting place. Every day they are encouraged and built up.

I try to volunteer daily, at the end of my work day, typically with tutoring time and game time. It’s something I can do, and something I feel called to do. Something I pray makes a difference. Something I pray pleases God.

As we come to the end of the year together, I am thankful to God for establishing and sustaining this life-giving program. Here are top 5 reasons I serve at the Inspiring Hope Learning Center (IHLC).

#5. It’s something anyone can do, so I am a prime candidate. I typically help with math or science or reading tutoring but the kids are at many levels so it can be as simple as reading to a student or helping them identify letters and numbers.

#4. It’s fun. Every day at the end of the day we play games or build things. We go outside – play basketball, soccer, jump rope. All things I used to enjoy as a kid and still enjoy just being outside in the fresh air.

#3. I am always learning something. Many of our kids’ families are from different cultures – Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico etc, and they teach me a lot about their particular culture. Also, we are using the Loop Show for our Bible study, and it’s interesting what God can teach even me through that program, oftentimes in conjunction with what I am preaching that week. It’s a God thing.

#2. The Volunteers. There is a great little community being built among the different volunteers at the center, many of whom do not attend Bridges. They are great people with big hearts who are life-giving. They are a great group.

#1. It’s about the students of course! This year, you can really see how God has been working in the lives of these kids. Each one is unique. Each one has a story. God has a future and a hope for each one. Our mission at Bridges is helping people find and follow Jesus. This is at the core of what happens at the IHLC!

It’s been a long road to get here, but now as we finish up the first full year, it is amazing to see how God has brought everything together. Looking forward to starting up again in August and seeing what else God has in store for us. Until then, just grateful for our year together.

Here are two ways you can help out.

  1. Volunteer your time next year. We’ll gear up to start again in August. Anyone can help. Look for more information to come or contact us through
  2. Donate through the 50 Donors in 50 Days Campaign. The 50 Donors in 50 Days Campaign ends June 17 as we look for 50 people to commit to giving $25/month to the Inspiring Hope Learning Center. So far, we have 22 donors, and need 28 more. To donate click this link: 50 DONORS IN 50 DAYS