Keep it Simple.
Keep in Focused.
Keep it about Jesus.
It’s starting to get really busy around our house. It’s actually been pretty busy for a while now as we prepare for Christmas. It’s often kind of a sprint between Thanksgiving to Christmas for a lot of people.
Ready, set go… decorate, shop, cook, wrap, go to parties, school Christmas performances, get togethers… plus end of the year stuff to take care of. It’s a busy time.
So, all the more reason to slow down, keep it simple, keep it focused, keep it about Jesus.
It’s not an easy thing to do. There are so many distractions and so many things that need to be done.
Yet, it in the midst of it all, our souls need to spend time with Jesus. It is there with Him that we find joy, real joy, peace and hope.
It takes intentionality and a heart for being with Jesus.
So, take time – make time to focus on Jesus and the amazing journey He took to come into the world, to be one of us and to live amongst us. That is what Christmas is all about.
My prayer for each of us, including myself, is that we are able to stop – keep it simple – keep it focused and keep it about Jesus.
It’s something we can do together – so plan to join us Sunday, December 24 – 9am & 11am for our Christmas Eve Celebration, where it will all be focused on Jesus.