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Those were the first words I heard when I walked into church on Monday evening for Vacation Bible School (VBS). As I entered the worship center, I saw three kids marching back and forth with enthusiasm. They were there before everyone else, ready and excited for VBS. Their energy set the tone for the entire week.

I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with the kids throughout the week. I am usually around adults and don't have any children of my own, so my interaction with kids is mostly limited to Sunday mornings. However, this week gave me a wonderful opportunity to practice communicating with and understanding them on a deeper level.

At VBS, I had the privilege of teaching a music and worship class. Initially, the idea of teaching these kids for 20 minutes each night seemed daunting, but I quickly realized it was easier than I imagined. Every day we defined worship, sang songs with motions and reviewed the memory verse and Bible story. 

Our memory verse for the week was Acts 2:28: “You always show me the path that leads to life. You fill me with joy when I am with you.” We discussed how God shows us the path to life and fills us with joy. The kids memorized the verse quickly and loved explaining its meaning. 

It can be difficult to explain ideas like what worship, joy, and the gospel is. However, things are simpler than we think. Most times the children had the general idea of what certain ideas meant. They just needed a little bit of direction to the full answer. 

I pray that as we go throughout life, we can have the same enthusiasm about the gospel as these children have about VBS. Remember that God fills us with joy when we spend time with Him in His word, in prayer, and in fellowship with other believers. 

This week, I was encouraged by the children and reminded of how God views us—as His children. Children have many questions, and so do we! We can be confident that we can ask God anything, and He hears us. Even though the things we worry about may seem small to God, He still cares for us and provides answers to our questions and problems through His word. He always shows us the path that leads to life!