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From me to you, I really want to encourage each of you to consider being in a Small Group this Fall. Having other people in your life to help you on your spiritual journey is ESSENTIAL for real growth and health. I don’t know where I would be without the people in my life who have helped me along the way. I have made some great friends, learned a lot from them, and always felt accepted and that they were “for me.” Just hearing other people pray for me and encourage me gave me strength to keep pursuing God’s best for me each week.  I know it will be the same for you. 

Here's the “why”, “when, “what”, “where”, “how” and “who” of small groups. (Not necessarily in that order.) 

At Bridges, we believe in Relational Discipleship, helping each other follow Jesus and become like Him. That is why we offer Small Groups, a group of people coming together weekly, building friendships, praying for each other, and growing together to be like Jesus. 

This season in Small Groups, we will be doing a church wide study, in step with our sermon series, "Essentials: The "How-To's" of Becoming Like Jesus" as we take a spiritual journey to become all that God has created us to be. 

Groups will be meeting throughout the week, in homes or at the church.  

You can check out the groups and sign up by clicking this link: SMALL GROUPS

Groups start the week of September 8. 

I want to encourage each of you to join a group and get connected. It is well worth it.