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Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. - Romans 12:1 


Save the Date: Sunday, March 14, 2021



The Worship Way of Life is a lifestyle, more than an activity or event. Worship should permeate every area of our lives and is more than singing. praying, spending time in the Word and gathering together - all of these things are incredibly important but there is another key component in worship - serving. 

On Sunday, March 14, we will not be holding our regular worship services, but instead we want everyone to take the day and worship through service - as individuals, families, small groups or even as a congregation. It is a day designed to express our love and worship of God in a different way. 

There are as many options as you can think of. 


  • Make a meal for a neighbor and take it to them (keeping social distance)
  • Write encouraging notes or emails to others
  • Do a prayer walk through the neighborhood
  • Do something for someone else - buy and deliver groceries, offer to help in the yard or another project, do random acts of kindness in the community
  • Put together packets for those who are homeless and then distribute them whenever you see someone in need (this is something we will do at the church facility for those who want to come) 
  • Any idea that involves serving others as an expression of love to them and to God. 

Be in prayer for what God wants you to do - pray, watch and listen for His Spirit to lead you to your acts of WORSHIP thru SERVICE. 

This is a great opportunity to worship in a new way and share the love of Christ to others. 

Look for more information to come. 

Save the Date: Sunday, March 14, 2021 - WORSHIP thru SERVICE