Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. - Romans 12:1
The Worship Way of Life is a lifestyle, more than an activity or event. Worship should permeate every area of our lives and is more than singing. praying, spending time in the Word and gathering together - all of these things are incredibly important but there is another key component in worship - serving.
On Sunday, March 14, we will not be holding our regular worship services, but instead we want everyone to take the day and worship through service - as individuals, families, small groups or even as a congregation. It is a day designed to express our love and worship of God in a different way.
There are as many options as you can think of.
Be in prayer for what God wants you to do - pray, watch and listen for His Spirit to lead you to your acts of WORSHIP thru SERVICE.
This is a great opportunity to worship in a new way and share the love of Christ to others.
Look for more information to come.
Save the Date: Sunday, March 14, 2021 - WORSHIP thru SERVICE