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resurgence: the act of rising again; resurrection 

Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? - Matthew 6:28-30 NLT

Sometime in the past someone planted daffodils throughout our yard. Don’t know if it was the original owner or someone before or after them. They just show up every year, popping up out of the ground and for a few, short weeks they bloom with all their glory. 

They are a symbol, a yearly reminder that new life is just around the corner after a cold and dark winter. They point to the God of resurgence, a God who works in quiet, secret ways until the time is right and then, resurrection, new life, beauty from ashes, new hope, just in time. 

Jesus told us not to worry or be anxious, but to have faith and expect God to keep His promise to take care of us because He cares for us. Daffodils are a reminder of that promise. Their beauty reflects His beauty in all things. 

Throughout Lent (March 2- April 14) we are praying for resurgence, for new life to sprout up in our lives in different areas of our lives. 

For some, it may be peace, hope, contentment, to light up, to spring up through the darkness of depression, anxiety, or stress. 

For some, it may be provision of something they need – finances, a job, food, clothing to come at just the right time. 

For some, it may be faith to come to life in the midst of doubt and tough questions. 

For others, it may be restoration of broken relationships, forgiveness and mercy where there is only bitterness and division. 

For those who are sick or facing medical issues, it comes as healing and strength when nothing else seems to be working. 

For all of us, resurgence is the beauty of God being revealed in our lives when we need Him the most, just as the daffodils come up out of the ground at the end of the winter to remind us that Spring is coming, Easter is just around the corner and God is always good. 

May He bring resurgence and new life to those areas of your life where you need it the most. 

Please email us with any prayer needs you or someone you know may have. Together, we will turn to Jesus and find in Him all we need. 

Prayer Requests: