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Ok, this Sunday we are wrapping up Section 1 of our 2 Section Series: Ready-Set-Go: A Study of 1 Thessalonians. We’ll take a month-long break and then come back for Section 2: 2 Thessalonians in August.

Both of these books are letters written mainly by the Apostle Paul along with his team, Silas and Timothy to the church they planted in Thessalonica, to encourage them and build their faith. Both are inspired by the Holy Spirit, who speaks to us as we experience the Word.

For us today, they are great books to use in being equipped to follow Jesus, because they contain timeless principles for life here and for what is ahead.

With any study of Scripture, a key is to learn to Hear & Obey – to truly listen to what God is saying in His Word and then applying that to our lives. God’s Word is alive and transformational as the Spirit speaks through to direct each of us.

I am constantly surprised and encouraged by what people are hearing from God as He customizes each word He speaks to each individual for where they are spiritually, where they are going and whom they are becoming. The Holy Spirit is leading each of us to become more like Jesus – so that is the same for each of us, however, because we are all different with different backgrounds and experiences, personalities and gifts, His work in us is subtlety different. That is what is exciting about what we are experiencing, God at work in each of  us.

As we wrap up our study of 1 Thessalonians, my question for you is this…

What is God saying to you?

What does He want you to do? Where does He want you to change? Not on your own, but in partnership with the Holy Spirit?

This is where Hear & Obey is key. Once we hear from Him, then we move forward with Him into new areas of growth and service. That is the adventure of following Jesus. There is always something new ahead – it’s like a new starting line appears and He sends us off in our race where we meet new people, experience new things and as always learn to rely on Him and depend on Him by faith. Obedience always requires faith, a trust that He is leading and will come through for us.

So, this Sunday as we wrap up this part of the series, spend some time with God and ask..

God, what are you saying to me and what do you want me to do?

Then listen, and when we know what it is, move forward with Him and see all that He has for you.

He will provide for you as you go.

He will protect you.

He will guide you.

He will go with you.

All we have to do is be Ready – Get Set and Go! 

Go with God!