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Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you.

As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.”

- John 20:21

There is nothing more fulfilling and exciting than for God to work through you to reach and bless people around you. It’s in those moments that you can truly experience His goodness and grace, and above all, His presence! It’s when you are reminded that, “Yes, He is here, and He is working! He chose to use someone like me – even me to do His work!”

That’s what His followers experienced that night when He appeared to them and told them, “As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” They were down and discouraged after His death and days in the grave. Then He showed up. He was alive, and He had something better for them. A life on mission. A life in partnership with Him to fulfill everything He came to do. This is the abundant life of a follower of Jesus.

There is nothing better.

It’s what happens when we accept His call to be DEPLOYED!

That’s our theme for 2025 – Deployed 25: BEING SENT BY JESUS!

4 Week Series: Deployed 25 - Join us each Sunday in January as we explore what it means to be deployed by Christ and to fully live for Him!