Each week, we are highlighting a different Ministry Team to give you a “behind the scenes” view of what is happening at Bridges.
This week our focus is on the Family Ministry led by Jacob Harden.
What are 3 things everyone should know about the Family Ministry:
- We have environments for kids/students of all ages, nursery - high school.
- Our goal is to equip parents to be the primary spiritual influence in their kids’ lives.
- Our small group leaders serve every single week so that our kids have a consistent adult who shows up for them predictably (our helpers serve anywhere from once a month to weekly.)
What is the one thing we should know about you, as the leader?
Arsenal is the best football club in the world (real football, not American football.)
What does following Jesus look like in your life?
Daily choosing to live like Christ and doing my best to lead my wife, kids and everyone involved in the Family Ministry to do the same.