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Greetings Bridges Church Family, 

The finance team would like to provide an update from our earlier messages regarding the budget. 

The Maximum Generosity Campaign has received over $36,000 so far and this money was used to pay down the mortgage. It has helped decrease the mortgage payments by over 1 year, and reduced the amount of interest we pay each month so it will provide an ongoing benefit. We want to thank you so much for your generosity. What has been given has truly made a difference.

However, our finance team has met multiple times to address our budget short fall this year, and we do not feel it is wise to continue to pay extra on our mortgage when we are not meeting our monthly budget needs. We have prayerfully considered this and ask you to join us in prayer for God’s continued provision for our Church and the faith and wisdom to walk in unity through this time. 

Therefore, with input from the staff and elders, we are putting the Maximum Generosity Campaign on hold for now at least through the fall. We will look at it again then. 

In the meantime, we are asking everyone to prayerfully consider what it means to give with maximum generosity to the church as followers of Jesus. We know He will provide for all our needs. He is faithful! 

For those who were already giving through the Maximum Generosity Campaign, you may need to change the way you are currently giving online or through bill pay as the Maximum Generosity account will be closed for now. 

Please continue to meet with us from 10:25am - 10:40am at the cross each Sunday morning for reflection and prayer. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Jami, Patrick, or myself. 

For Him, By Him, In Him, 

Jim Keegan