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Monday, November 20, 5:30pm (sunset) to Tuesday, November 21, 5:30pm (sunset), we are calling a day of prayer and fasting to seek God with all our hearts for breakthroughs in the lives of others – friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, etc. as well as in our own lives.

Through the book of John, we have seen Jesus make some pretty strong promises about prayer, answers to prayer, and the power in prayer. (John 14:13-14; 16:23-24) Now, we want to apply what we are learning directly as a way to wrap up our 50 Days of Prayer.

This may be your first time to pray and fast (or maybe you do this regularly as part of your walk with Jesus) so here are some things to think about as you get ready.

Before the Day of Prayer & Fasting: 

  1. Decide What You Are Praying For: Ask God to inspire you and lead you to what you will be praying for and for whom. Use your Who’s Your 7? list as a place to start. Do you know what you want to pray for in each person’s life? What will you be praying for yourself? Be thinking and praying about this in advance.
  2. Decide What Kind of Fast Your Will Do: Generally, a fast involves not eating for a 24-hour period, typically from sunset to sunset and using the time for focused prayers. This can be modified if needed for health reasons. Some cut out a certain kind of food or do a juice fast. Cutting out distractions such as social media or technology can be helpful to some.
  3. Decide on Your Place: If possible, get away to a quiet place outdoors or a room for a time of prayer. Or simply find time throughout your day to pause in the midst of what you are doing. The church facility will be open Monday, November 20, 5:30-7:00pm for those who want to pray there alone or with others.

Approaching the Day: 

  1. Come Ready to Seek God: Prayer and fasting should be about a relationship with our heavenly Father, not just a way to achieve a breakthrough. (Jeremiah 29:12-13)
  2. Come Believing God Can & Will Work on Your Behalf: Faith is a key component of our relationship with God – we trust Him to act. (John 14:13-14)
  3. Come with Expectation: Be looking for God’s answers and power at work in response to your prayers. (Psalm 5:3)
  4. Come and Ask Boldly Based on God’s Promises: We are bold, not because we deserve anything but because God has promised.  (Hebrews 4:16)
  5. Come Thankful: Faith is saying “thank you” before you see His answers. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

We would love to hear what God is doing in response to your prayers. Please contact us and let us know where you have seen God at work – Your story may encourage others.

We are praying for you through this time – may God reveal Himself to you and bless you through this time, especially in providing clear breakthroughs in your life and in the lives of others.