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This Sunday, June 16 is Father's Day, and we want to honor the fathers and father figures in our church family at both services this week. 

When I think about my own father, I think of a man who did not talk about his faith as much as he lived out this faith. His life spoke. 

He exampled what it means to follow Jesus and be doers of the Word. His compassion for others, his willingness to serve our church and community, his love to worship, and his daily example spoke clearly and faithfully. 

Near the end of this life, because he did not speak of his own personal faith often, I asked him directly about his relationship with Jesus. He spoke then with words that left no doubt that Jesus was His Savoir and that his faith in Him was sure and secure. When my father passed, I knew that at that moment he was with Jesus. I was filled with gratitude and hope for the work that Jesus did in my father's life. He had finished his race, but his example lives on. 

Fathers have a tremendous amount of responsibility and opportunity to reflect their faith and trust in Jesus to their families. So many are looking to them for an example. That is why we honor them on Father's Day. 

We hope you will join us this Sunday as we honor our fathers and father figures.

Happy Father's Day!