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It's Fall. Well, kinda. A new school year has started. A few trees have hints of yellow in their leaves. Football season is here. There are Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations for sale. Stores have sweaters and long pants out on the racks even though the highs are still in the 80s and the humidity makes it hard to breathe.

Sometimes the change of seasons is refreshing. Like a breath of fresh air. Excitement for something new. But sometimes the change of seasons isn’t welcomed. Change can be full of fear and anxiety. It could be an unwelcome change in weather. Or it could be starting a new season in life - a new job, a new school, a new routine, a new doctor. Even if you're not currently going through a change of some sort, I'm sure you can remember a time when you did. 

As I'm writing this, we're preparing our 4 year old for a big change. She will be starting preschool for the first time this week. She's really nervous. Walking into an unknown environment where you don't know what to expect can be really nerve-wracking. Especially when you're four-years-old and your world primarily consists of family, church, the grocery store, and playgrounds. If I'm being honest, I'm nervous too. I've been able to stay home with her for the first 4.5 years of her life. It's a big change for both of us. I've got all sorts of questions rolling around in my head…What if she struggles longer than a few weeks with this transition? What if she cries every day? Is it worth keeping her enrolled if she is still having a hard time in December? Will she be sick for 6+ months straight? I know many parents wrestle with these same thoughts. And I'm sure it will work out in the end. But change is hard. The unknown can be stressful.

Everyone goes through change. Everyone has fears and anxieties about unknowns in their lives. Change is something we have to deal with quite often. It's pretty much unavoidable. It depends on your personality, but I think it's pretty safe to say all of us have something in our lives that we would be hesitant to change. It might be a job, it might be housing, it might be family, it might be any number of things. The point is that just about everyone has dealt with fear of change. 

Now, I'm not normally someone that gravitates to Psalms or Proverbs. I'm very literal and analytical and the Psalms are a lot less direct than I'd like. I don't understand them and so I tend to avoid them. But I've been trying to challenge myself to read them lately because all of the Bible is inspired by God, not just the parts I like. And these verses have helped me ground myself in God. They've helped me understand His character a little bit more. They've helped ease some of my anxieties about change. 

Psalm 46 (specifically the first 3 verses) have really helped quiet my anxieties and fear of change. ‭”‭God is our refuge and strength [mighty and impenetrable], a very present and well-proved help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains be shaken and slip into the heart of the seas, Though its waters roar and foam, Though the mountains tremble at its roaring.” This Psalm tells us that God is a present and well proven help in trouble. His track record says He will show up and help. Plus, if God can handle the earth giving way and mountains falling into the sea, He can definitely help me through this season of change. 

Luckily there is something in our lives that will NEVER change. God doesn't change. He is constant. Hebrews 13:8 tells us that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” He is our constant in a world of uncertainty.  God is loving. He is faithful. He never fails. God is all-powerful. He made us in His image. He loves us. Those are truths that don't ever change. You can't do anything to change those. They are a part of God's character. They are woven into who He is. He will not change. So when you're in the middle of a season of life where fear of change is overwhelming - know that God will not change. It may seem like your world has been turned upside down. But God is still there. Still the same as He's always been. Still ready to walk alongside you through the storm. And He will continue to walk with you once the storm is over. God does not change.