For the past few weeks, I had the privilege of being in Knoxville Tennessee training for a new job! While I was away, I had the opportunity to go to a new church. I was excited to get a chance to be able to not be on stage and just go for a change. It didn’t disappoint. I heard a sermon that has stuck with me. I want to share what I heard.
The passage that the pastor was preaching on was Romans 6:1-14. This passage is about dying to sin and being alive in Christ. Something very relevant that I took away from the passage was something profound. Verse 13 states,
“Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness.”
I was blown away by the wording of this verse. Once the pastor read it, I was intrigued on how he was going to wrap up the message. Let me share. The word that specifically stuck out was instrument. Obviously, musical instruments are a big part of my life. I use them every single day. I use them to serve the Lord every week at church. The pastor made a great point though. My instruments are just tools. They in themselves can be used for anything. I can play worship music on my guitar just like I can play any type of music on my guitar. We, as people, are no different. We can offer ourselves up to sin as an instrument of wickedness or we can offer ourselves up to God as an instrument of righteousness. Paul’s instruction here is relevant to my life today. I am sure you are no different.
You see this involves a choice. We offer up ourselves in both scenarios. One to sin and one to Him. My challenge for you is the same as the pastors was a couple of weeks ago to me. Offer up every part of yourself to Him. Let Him use you as an instrument of righteousness.