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Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.

- Colossians 4:6 (NLT) 

Sometimes an idea catches your attention and leads to a life transformation that you never saw coming. I’d say that was the case with the topic we are looking at this Sunday – Transformed Conversations that Lead to Meaningful Relationships. 

I first heard about this a few months ago while talking to one of our elders, Rodney Harden. He had been listening to a podcast (No Small Endeavor) and the guest was Heather Holleman, a professor at Penn State University. The gist of the podcast according to Rodney was how better conversations lead to better relationships which lead to a happier and better life.

But it wasn’t what he said, but the excitement with which he talked about it that got my attention. You could see it in his eyes and body language as he told stories of how this information, all based on Scripture, had already changed how he related to others as he put what he was learning into practice.

Already, two of our small groups have explored this topic and good things are happening there. After listening to the podcast, looking at the book it was based on, and actually beginning to put into practice the things I was learning, I have been very pleasantly surprised by what I am seeing already. I am learning to be better at conversations and learning so much about people in the process.  It is so much fun. There are some amazing biblical principles at work here and study after study are confirming that these principles work. (of course)

This Sunday, Rodney and I will be teaching on this, and our prayer is that God uses this to affect the way we relate to each other – within the church, our families, our neighbors, coworkers but also in helping us to become better disciple makers which is centered on building meaningful and life-giving relationship.

Please join us this Sunday as we share with you what God is teaching us.

Book: The 6 Conversations; Pathways to Connecting in an Age of Isolation and Incivility by Heather Holleman

Podcast: No Small Endeavor - episode: December 21, 2023